
Tips to Try Before Calling a Car Lockout Service

Sometimes, automobile owners can get locked out of their automobiles due to losing their key or some other technical fault. In such situations, their first move is to contact a car lockout service for help. The YouTube video “Automotive Lockout | How To Open a Locked Car Door Without a Key” illustrates an easy method to open a locked car door without requesting help from a car lockout service.

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The tools needed for this method include a bendable reach tool, two inflatable bags (small and large), and a wedge. The first step is placing a wedge between the door and the door frame. This creates a little space where you can place the small inflatable bag. Next, inflate the small bag until a more sizable space opens up.

The large inflatable bag should be placed in the sizable space that the small inflatable bag has opened up. The large inflatable bag should also be inflated to create space to maneuver the bendable reach tool. Finally, use the bendable reach tool to deactivate the lock. If deactivating the lock doesn’t work, manually open the car using the reach tool to move the handle.


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