Having a race car is one of the most popular dreams of many people in the world. The fast paced, heart pounding, adrenaline action is something that many people crave and enjoy for year even as they get older. Whether your a racing enthusiasts or just like to customize good looking cars the Hyundai Genesis Coupe is a terrific choice.
The Hyundai Genesis Coupe was produced from 2008-2016 in South Korea. The 2016 Hyundai Genesis coupe engine can go from 0 mph to 60 mph in 5.2 seconds and has a tops out at 151 mph. This fancy little car is a two door dream and has been customized all over the world for racing. So how did people amp up these cars and turn them into racing machines?
One of the best things you can do to improve your car for racing is reduce the amount of weight. You can remove rear seats if you never use them to decrease weight and get your car moving faster. Replace the hood and ceiling with lighter models to drop some extra pounds as well. The cheapest way to add lots of power to a hyundai genesis engine is by adding a turbocharger or supercharger. If your car has a naturally aspirated engine and you are looking to get more power out of it, get a turbo installed professionally.
Tires are one of the best ways to improve speed and traction. There are a number of different racing tires available so getting the top of the line will be the best option for you. Try and get the lightest rims you can to reduce weight and keep your car at tops speeds. Better air filters can help increase speed and anywhere you can replace lighter parts is always a good idea. You can go through your entire hyundai genesis engine and replace parts with smaller or lighter options. Installing a short throw shifter can increase speed when shifting creating the desired affect of getting ahead of other races right out of the gate.
These changes to your hyundai genesis engine can make your car much faster and get you tearing up the track with ease. If you want to amp it up even more you can do a full on engine swap but that comes with a much higher price tag. The outside of your car can be just as important as the inside and you can customize everything you like to create the best look. You can get new pedals, interior, exhaust pipes, detailing in your dash and monitors, steering wheels, shift knobs, and so much more. Getting into the racing game is a fun decision that you will enjoy for years to come.