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    How a Diesel Engine Works

    Video Source To become a fleet service mechanic, you have to understand how a diesel engine works. In this article, we will break down the basics of diesel engines and how they operate. The operating cycle of the diesel engine begins when the engine cylinders draw in clean air, as opposed to the fuel-air mixture that conventional gasoline engines use. The piston drives up very quickly, compressing the air and rapidly raising its temperature. The fuel injector then injects the fuel at high pressure. The fuel enters the engine as a fine spray and is vaporized in the hot air. Spontaneous combustion occurs to light the fuel. Conventional gasoline engines…

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    The Average Day of a Tow Truck Driver

    Although the job of a tow truck driver is to provide tow truck assistance, they do not spend all day towing car after car. The day to day of a truck driver varies depending factors like weather, location, job availability, etc. One thing that every single tow truck driver does every day is fueling their truck. A driver can’t provide any tow truck assistance if their truck doesn’t have any fuel. Video Source Before any job, the driver stops at a gas station to fill their tank. Tow truck drivers don’t solely tow trucks as well. Certain drivers can help with things like vehicle lockouts and other automobile issues that…